Uber Safety



Once a Mom, always a Mom and the worrying never stops no matter how old our children become. We fret about different things when they are toddlers and when they are in their teens, 20’s and so on, but the angst is always there!

I have found myself reflecting on the many duties that have been stripped away from my list of responsibilities as the CEO of our family, since becoming an empty-nester. I remember being both happy and sad when my kids got their drivers licenses. Although I no longer had to schlep them to and from school or their many activities and social events, I miss the wonderful times we spent in the car. I’d hear about how their day went and who among their friends were having relationship issues, etc. Giving that up was sad. I also worried about putting them in a car alone and just prayed that they would be safe. Fast forward to the college years and preaching about not drinking and driving adds to the worry. I know I still sound like a broken record to them, but I don’t care! Enter Uber and Lyft to our lives and the definite convenience that goes along with it. My husband I frequently use Uber and I am always reminding my kids to use it. My credit card number was set up on all of my kids’ Uber and Lyft accounts years ago, and I have told my husband that this is something that is not up for negotiation. The recent death this week of a young women entering a car that was not her Uber and being murdered, sets off all my “Momma Bear” bells and worrying for sure. It also made me realize that a reminder for all of us and our kids on safety precautions when using these services can only help!


-If at all possible do not travel alone, but sometimes this is inevitable


-Remind your child to ask the driver who they are picking up before getting in

GET IN THE RIGHT CAR!! Before you get in the back of a stranger’s car, check to make sure that the license plate, driver photo and driver name all match what’s listed in the app. Uber can only be requested through the app so never get in a car that the driver says they are with Uber just driving around offering rides.


-Be a backseat driver – if you are riding alone sit in the backseat. This ensures that you can exit on either side of the vehicle to avoid moving traffic and it gives one personal space


-Share your trip details with a friend. While on route, tap “share status” in the app to share your drivers name, photo, license plate, and location with a friend or family member. They can track your trip and see your ETA without downloading the Uber app


-Follow your intuition Trust your instinct and use your best judgement when riding with Uber. If you ever feel like you’re in an emergency call 911 immediately. Bottom line: Be aware of your current surroundings and situation.


Our kids already think we are annoying so let’s keep reminding them, and earn our gold star for being just that (and perhaps a few well-deserved hours of sleep)!



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